Thursday, November 27, 2008
Don't interfere, politicians told
"One politician recently sent 100 traffic sommonses and told me to cancel them. He claimed the offenders were his constittuents and did not have money to settle the summonses.
"There are also policians whp tell my OCPDs not to summon those ridding their motorcycles in thr kampung areas without helmets. How can we do that?" he asked.
Musa, who was speaking at a national forum on crime and policing, said the police would not be able to carry out their duties effectively if these politicians continued to interfere.
Earlier, he admitted that the country's crime rate was on the rise but was not as bad as reported in the media and blods.
"last year's crime rate per 100,000 population was only 772 cases caopared to Hong Kong (1,166), Japan(1,569) and Australia(4,270). The rising crime rate is actually a global problem but iat is still at a manageable level.
"I have already taken steps to counter the rise in crime rate like improving the response time to a crime scene, building police stations in new housing estates and installing CCTV cameras in crime-prone arreas."
On the small number of chinese joining the police force, Musa said most wanted to be officers and not constables.
"There is still a shortage of policemen despite recruiting over 7000 people a few months ago.
The force now has over 97,000 personnel and needs at least 40,000 more.
"I have asked for another 60,000 to be recruited over the next five years but this still will not be enough as there are hundreds of retirements annually," he added.
Musa said he also wanted the national crime solving rate to be at least 40%.
"From today, the public can lodge reports at the various marine police bases nationawide. I have also directed the marine police personnel to be involved in crime prevention on land instead in crime prevention on land instead of just the high seas.
"The General OperationsForce, whose duties ised used to be only in the jungles, now have awider scope of work. They are responsible for security in airports and certain islands in the country,"he said.
On the police force being biased against yhe participants of illegal gatherings in Kuala LUMPUR, HE SAID THE POLICE ONTRY ACTED BECAUSE it was getting a bit out of hand.
Team of Bloggers to explain Perak govt policies
Menteri Besar Datuk seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin said the state government was setting up u a "bloggers' secretariat" to ensure accurate information was being channelled to the rakyat.
It will help the state counter accusations and inform the public about government policies.
The secretariat will be headed by Nizar's press secretary Anuar Hashim.
Nizar said the move to set up the secretariat was made after a meeting on Wednesday with 26 bloggers who agreed to assist the state disseminate information on policy matters and programmes.
"This is also to counter and defend the state's stand on certain issues and policies which have been played up by the opposition," he said in his speech at a dinner organised by the state Parti Keadilan Rakyat Youth(Angkatan Muda Keadilan ) on Wednesday.
Also present were DAP national Youth chief Nga Kor Ming, PKR national youth chief Shamsul Iskandar, Perak PKR Youth head Anuar Zakaria and Perak PKR chairman Ismail Yusoff.
Nga said he was disappointed with RTM as it had not not invited the menteri besar to go on air and explain state policies to the people.
"It has been nine months since Pakatan Rakyat took over the administration of the state but RTM has yet to invite the menteri besar and has only been criticising the state government."
Monday, November 24, 2008
Lodge Report on vandalised signs, CM tells MPPP
Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng said this was necessary to prevent further sabotage of bilingual road signs meant to help tourists.
In a statement yesterday, he noted that other signs with Mandarin and Tamil were not affected.
The vandalised road sign were found sprayed with red paint on Sunday morning and have since been cleaned up.
An MPPP wprker who spotted the defaced road signs lodged a report at the Campbell Street police station yesterday afternoon.
In a separate statement, state executive councillor Chow Kon Yeow said the worker had taken photographs of the road signs with his mobile phone before he helped to clean them.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Why second federal officers to states
Are not these posts to be filled by officers from the state civil service? I remember some such posts being held by federal government officers temporarily seconded to the state at one time. This was due to lack of experienced officers at state level with regards to specific skills. Now it appears that almost all the top state government posts are given to officers appointed by the federal government.
Why is this so? Are there not enough competent staff from the state civil service to occupy these chairs?
Of late there have been reported cases of disgruntlement by some of the heads of state governments about state public officers, some of them federal government appointees, not having carried out instructions. Is this because these officers refuse to follow the state head's directives and are waiting for "orders from above"?
It looks like the rakyat who have elected the people they want to head the state government,and for whom the public servant should be serving, are being short-changed thus hampering the afforts of those heads of state and thereby frustrating the rate payers,
I believe that there still exist state public services commissions responsible for the recruitment and appointmnt of state civil servants. With so many unemployed gradutes around why is it so difficult to recruit people people into the state civil service? What is the necessity for civil servants from the central government to occupy state officers' posts?
And one more things that does not seem to be right, why should government officers be seconded to private entities on a permanent basis just because the government has an interest in the establishment? cannot such such seconded appointments be rotated among officers in order that no government servant becomes too comfortable serving in the private sector, so much so that he or she starts taking too much personal interest, like acquring shares of the the company thereby creating a conflict interest? Instead of playing the role of a watchdog, officers have turned to be big, "successful" businessmen.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
ACA probing 82 cases of money politics
Its director-general Datuk Ahmad said Hamdan confirmed that the agency had received som 280 reports of which 82 cases had basis for the ACA to conduct investigation.
"If there is sufficient evidence then we will take action by either bringing them to court or referring them to their respective disciplinary boards," he told reporters in Alor gajah after closing the agency's training course for 87 investigatig officers yesterday.
Ahmad Said did not name the political affiliation of those under investigations and stressed that the agency didi not label such cases as one of money politics but simply as bribery.
For the ACA, there is no such thing as money politics as anything to do with a bribe is considered corruption,he added.
Meanwhile, Ahmad said that the agency had received 14,817 reports as of Nov 19 compared to the estimated 13,900 reports for the whole of last year.
He noted that the increase in the number of reports is a good indication that the public supports the ACA's efforts to combat corruption and abuse of power.
He added that the agency is beefing up its manpower capabilities fromthe current 1800 officers to 2700 next year.
He said the agency hopes to increase ists strenth to 5,000 officers with plans to open up branches in Kuala Kubu Baru, Limbang and Gua Musang.
Ahamd Said also said the agency would be cracking down on syndicates involved with bribery and corruption, in partivular those with regard to illegal logging and enviromental degradation.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Reminder to civil servants
The deputy education minister was quoted as saying,"sad to say, these people at the lower level discregard our efforts, and act on their own."
This may not be an isolated case; there may be other "little Napoleon" with a misguided sense of duty disregarding directives from the top and acting on their own. In this respect the deputy miaqnister was also quoted as saying:"Our drastic action against the sipevisor is to serve as adeterrent to others."
It should be impressed upon gopvernment servants that, as government servants, they are to faithfully carry out the directives of the government of the day without fear or favour.
The meaning of the phrase,"Saya yang menurut perintah"(I, who obey directives) in government corespondences appears to have lost its meaning to these littlt Napoleons.
All government servants, whatever their rank or position, are servants of the government and should faothfully carry out the policies and directives of the government to the best of their ability. That is what they are paid for.
There was atime, during the colonial era, when civil servants signed official letters below the phrase, "I beg to remain Sir, your obedient servant," to remind them not to act on their own as independent agents.
Perak to seek views on new name
State executive councillor A Sivanesan said he would hold a forum soon after several residents, business owners and the Ipoh Ratepayers and Taxpayers Association protested against the name change.
"Let people come and give their views. We do not want the DAP to be seen as arrogant and bulldozing like Barisan Nasional," he said yesterday.
"If the majority feel that the the name change is not ok, then we will not change the name," he said.
On a petition signed by 37 business owners who expressed concern about the name change, Sivanesan felt he could not see how their businesses could be affected.
He pointed outthat business owners, for instance, could still retain the word"silibin" on signboards and their stationery, and so dis not have to risk losing their customers.
"In Kuala Lumpur, for instance, one road is known as 'Jalan Tun sambanthan'(Jalan Brickfields)," Sivanesan said.
Sivanesan also hoped someone could shed light into the historical background of how the road to be named "Silibin," as its origin remained a mysteryu.
Earlier, another group comprising 20 owners of factories operating in the Silibin area called for the state's intervention against renaming Jalan Silibin.
Inta Industrial Estate Factory Owners Association chairman Ching Chye Huat said the name change would cause a lot of inconvenience for suppliers who shipped materials to their businesses.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Stop Obsession with cabinet Posts: Tee Keat
"Having the people's aspirations in mind would be something more positive than being obsessed with personal political gains, particularly in relation to ministership," he said.
Ong praised his deputy, Datuk Dr Shua Soi Lek, for his willingness to head the party's government policy monitoring bureau, which will keep tabs on the ministries headed by MCA ministers.
"This is in line with what I said earlier because when I said that we needed to form such a bureau to handle the people's feedback, we must keep the people's aspirations in mind," h e said.
"I am glad he shares my view."
Ong said Chua, a former health minister, was "perhaps the best person" to advise new ministers appointed after the March 8 general election.
"As a former minister, he would be in a very good position to tell us about some of the issues currently confronting us. Issues do not come into place suddenly or abruptly," he said.
Ong , who is the transport minister, told a press conference his ministry is re-examining the e-Kesihatan Programme, which it cancelled earlier.
"For now, the concessionaire has been informed of the government's decision to discontinue with the agreement," he said.
"The project has been reffered back to the Road Transport Department(RTD) to re-look at the format as well as the details of the agreement. We need to look at it again, to look at the limitations and at the same time, we need to come up with something that will serve the public's purpose.
"We need to ensure medical certification of the fitness of public transport drivers, that is a must.
But we do not want to make it burdensome. So we have to strike the right balance between both."
Respondinh to calls to use the Emergency Ordinance to curb the mat rempai menace, Ong said:" In my opinion, the nations is not short of laws. If we,as a nation, were able to defeat a militant insurgency, we should be able to handle a social ill like this."
Asked about the mobes by PAS to open up to chinese supportes, Ong said such overtures were not new.
"Any party, including PAS, has a right to reach out to any segment of the populace. We shouldn't have qualms about it." he said.
"The current outreach proposal is not something new.... if we were to trace back 2 years, 10 1986, when the Chinese Consultative Council(CCC) was mooted and formed by PAS. The CCC has been defunct for years, without an explanation. It would be good for PAS to explain why the CCC was defunct before they came to a new iniative."
Ong had earlier launched Jalan Multimedia in i-City and and welcome the initial batch of tenants to i-City at Concierge@i-City here.
Toll Discount
- Toll discount of 10% will be given to owners of private cars and light vehicles who used the North-South Expressway Central Link(Elite) Highway during low traffic hours from Jan 1 to end of 2010, with additional discount during festive seasons.
Yesterday, the country's biggest highway concessionaire, Plus Expressway Bhd. announced incentives for travel on the two highways, the result of negitiations in recent months with the government which had been pushing for toll reductions.
"Plus's initiative is in line with the government's call to give added value to highway users, especially during the current economic situation," said Works Minister Datuk Mohd Zin Mohamad at the launch of the Plus Travel Incentive Programme yesterday.
The icng on the incentive cake is that all Class 1(private cars and light vehicles) highways between midnight and 7.00 am will get a 10 % toll

Mohd. Zin said the incentives went through an indepth study and evaluation by a Malaysian Highway Authority(L.L.M) committee from May."This iniative is part of Plus's corporate social responsibility(CSR) and does not require the government paying compensation," he said, adding that previously the government paid huge compensation to the concessionaires to maintain or reduce toll rates.
He said although the companies made good profit, the terms of the concession agreement called for compensation to redice toll rates or to maintain them although they were to be increased.
On the other 20 highways , Mohd. Zin said eight of them could not reduce their toll rates for various reasons: going through financial problems. debt restructuring, newly operating, concession period ending next year and some were under receiver and manager. He did not name the eight.
Mohd. Zin hoped the rest will come up with toll reductions soon.
He also announced in a stetement that all toll highway operators, except one, had agreed to make public their consession agreements, confirming a report in the Sun on Monday that the government had diclassified the agreements.
LLM directir-general Datuk Mohamad Razali Othman urged other concessionaires to make toll reduction their CSR iniative.He also said that since 1988 compensation paid to highway operators was aboutRM 2 billion.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Wanita chief told to meet with Perak Umno Officials
Gerakan deputy president Datuk Chang Ko Youn said Tan, who is Gerik member of parliment and deputy information minister, had been told to meet Umno members in the state to explain her " controversial" statements attered at the 21st Wanita delegates ' congerence in Kuala Lumpur.
Asked if any specific instructions were given to Tan on how she was expected to explain the issue to Umno members, Chang said:"I don't want reveal what the central committee had told her. All I can say is that she has been given the duty to answer.
On whether he was prepared to answer on behalf of Tan in his capacity as Perak Gerakan chairman, Chang said he did not want to the the responsility now.
"To ursurp her duty would be wrong . I don't want to get involved. If she doesn't explain, then I will talk. I don't want to stoke the issue at the moment. Let her do the explaining. She has been entrusted
"All I can say is that she will make some statements. If you want more information, ask her. She will be coming to close the workshop."
Tan, however, did not attend the worksop yesterday evening as she has been hospitalised with suspected dengue.
In her speech at the Gerakan wanita conference, Tan had said some leaders in the ruling barisan Nasional had chosen to forget that "everyone is a malaysian irrespective of race."
She was quoted as saying: "We are not squatters. Our origins are the same-the malays come from the Malay islands in Nusantara, the Chinese from China and the Indians from Indin.
"So, if you don't know our history, don't talk about it. The Orang Asli are the true people of this land, but unfortunately, they continue to be sideline."
It was reported that she had called on leader not to abuse or twist historical facts and stoke racial sentiment to gain popularity and win votes, adding that the country did not need "third-class leaders who divide and rule."
Her speech did not go down well with Umno grassroots members, including those in Perak's Bukit Gantang and Gerik divisions whose members, Umno leaders said, had campaigned to get her elected as MP in 2004 and the recent general election.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Perak govt issues cost-saving guidlines
Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaludin said the guideline was aimed at reducing the continuous deficit budgets in the past four years.
The belt-tightening measures include no overtime allowances, savings on electricity charges for fans, lights and air-conditioners by shutting them during tea and lunch breaks.
They must also be prudent in their use of office supplies like stationery and paper and reduce the purchase of newspapers.
The renovation of state offices or renting new office buildings is out of question; working visits and overseas trips by state civil servants have to first get the approval of the State Financial Officer.Nizar said this in his reply to a written question by Hutan Melintang asemblyman S.Kesavan in the state assembly sitting which ended last Thursday.
Kesan wanted to know what cost-effective measures were being taken by the Pakatan Rakyat(PR) government to reduce wastage of public funds and the amount that can be saved by such wastage compared with the previous BN government.
Nizar said:" We spent only RM1.1 million for this year's Merdeka celebrationsss compared wityh RM2.6 million by the BN in 2007. We are also taking other measures to cut down on expenditure which will bear fruit this year."
Later, Opposition Leader and BN whip Datuk Seri MOhammad Tajol Rosli Ghazali, in his denate on the 2009 state budget, took to task the PR executive councillors fpr abandong the Proton Perdana state official cars to be replaced with new Toyota Camry.
Tajol said the Proton is located in Perak and if the Perak PR state governmant did not support the national car, then it might set off a chain reaction whereby other states might also follow Perak and opt.
Govt won't close Kamunting detention camp
Home Minister Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar urged the Pakatan Rakyat state government to respect the law and not to turn the detention centre in Taiping into a political issue..
He reiterated that the land on which the Kamunting detention centre is located has been gazetted and the state government cannot "touch" it.
"This is the federal government's property, and the centre was built with the approval of the federal government, iy is clearly stated in the law," said Syed Hamid.
He told the daily that "they cannot do as they please, the state government has to respect the law."
He said if the state government still wants to challenge the federal government,"it is up to them."
The stete government has lately passed a motion to request the federal government to abolish the internal Security Act, to free all ISA detainees and close the Kamunting detention Centre.
Meanwhile, Perak Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizhar Jamaluddin said the state government will not seek other means including legal recourse to get the the federal government to shut down the detention centre.
He said if it is verified that the Kamunting land has been gazetted, the state government will leave it to the ministry to handle the problem of the detention centre.
"I have heard that the Kamunting land has been gazetted.
"It is up to the home ministry to decide whether it wants to close down the centre." he said.
Nizhar said the main aim of the motion that was passed in trhe state assembly recently is to seek the ablition of the ISA and to free all those detained without trial.
Closing down the centre is secondary, he said.
In Ipoh, Taiping MP cum state exco member Nga Kor Ming said the state government does not discount the possibility of a multifolf increase in the quit rent on the Kamunting kand.
He said it has come to his knowthat the centre still owes five years' quit rent arrears and if it is trus, the state government will resort to legal means to get the federal government to pay up the arrears.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Amaran Mahathir kepada Melayu
"Kalau berlaku pergeseran yang mana melayu tidak bersatu atau tidak bercakap dalam satu nada, kita akan lihat orang lain menerajui kerajaan.
"Ia adalah amaran tegas, khususnya kepada orang Melayu supaya mereka sentiasa bersatu padu untuk menerahui kepimpinan negara sudah 52 tahun ahli daripada UMNOmenjadi Perdana Menteri dan ii tidak salah,"katanya.
Beliau berkata demikian kepada pemberita selepas mewakili Perdana Menteri, datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad badawi merasmikan Pameran Perdagangan(INtrade) malaysia dan Forum Perdagangan Antarabangsa(KLITF) 2008 di Kuala Lumour.
Beliau mengulas kenyataan Mahathir yang membidas pihak tertentu yang cuba membangkitkan persoalan tentang keperluan mempunyai seorang Perdana Menteri dari kalangan bukan Melayu atas alasan agar negara tidak dilihat mengamalkan perkauman.
Menurutnya, parti yang mewakili kaum Melayu, sebagai contoh UMNO yang mengetuai parti-parti komponen Barisan Nasional (BN) yang mewakili Cina,India,penduduk Sabah atau Sarawak perlu terus kukuh dan bersatu bagi memastikan orang Melayu terus menjadi Perdana Menteri sama ada secara tradisi atau konvensyen.
"Apa yang dikatakan oleh Tun tidak harus mewujudkan polemik kerana ia(keyataan) yang berasaskan kepada apa yang terkandung dalam perlembagaan yang tidak menyatakan perdana Menteri mesti berasaskan kaum.
"Bagaimanapun, saya tidak mengatakan sama ada saya bersetuju atau tidak mengenainya." katanya.
Beliau berkata perkara itu bergantung kepada arakyat dan senario politik negara pada masa hadapan
Don't twist and turn, Tee Keat tells Soi Lek
Asked to comment on Chua's remark that he was not given any significant oortfolio in the party, the transport minister said that as head of the Government Affairs Monitoring Bureau, Chua did hold a significant portfolio.
"Don't twist and turn. That is my advice. Whoever wants to make public statements, don't twist and turn,"Ong told reporters after the ministry's Aidilfitri and Deepavali celebration di Putrajaya.
He said Chua's portfolio was on the list when he announced the key office bearers on Tuesday, even elaborating on the significance of the bureau.
After the announcement, Chua was reported to have said that he had been sidelined, and told grassroots members he wanted to apologise in advance, should he fail to perform cecause of the limited space given.
Asked whether the replacement of a minister and two deputy ministers who had lost in the MCA elections last month would be discussed at the Cabinet meeting tommorrow, Ong said it was unlikely.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Perak govt tables RM700m'budget for all'
Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin, who tabled the budget said:"The previous state government had a continuous defocit budget of an average of RM35 million for the past four years but we have managed to reduce the 2009 deficit budget to RM25 million.
"By god's grace , we hope to bring the state's deficit budget toa healthy surplus budget in four years time if we are re-elected for another term of office."
Mohammad Nizar said the state government will be taking proactive measures to boost the state coffers.
One source of income is forest land revenue, which has only generated RM17 million in 2008. The government hopes to generate income of RM40 million from such revenue next year.
The second source of income will be from the royalty in the mineral mining activities.
The third source is from land revenue. The state has identified 10 pieces of land, which will be made available through open tender.
The fourth measure is to prevent wastage of public funds through prudent management at all levels of the state administration,whereby there will be no form of corruption or cronyism, he said.
Mohammad Nizar said the state government is ready to work with NGOs to uplift the social economic status of the people.
He said the budget is lailored undaer the five principles of social justuce, trust, transparency, welfare and accountability.
It is balanced with no elements of discrimination of race or religion, especially in welfare services.
"We are returning the state's generated revenue back to the rakyat through education, religions and other activities. In fact, the people are going to enjoy the benefits of the budget even better than last year when the atate was under Barisan nasional," he said.
The state government has also allocated RM300,000 for the state information deoartment to highlight the Pakatan Rakyat 's activities in the state since the main media is not giving enough coverage to such acyivities.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Tidak logik banding kemenangan Obama
Menteri Luar, Datuk Seri Dr. rais Yatim berkata, beliau hairan dengan tindak tanduk pihak terbabit yang cuba'tumpang semangkok' kemenangan Obama agar dapat dikaitkan dengan senario politik negara.
Tegas beliau, hakikatnya banyak peruntukan yang berkait dengan pelbagai kaum. Politik dan masyarakat kita berbeza dengan negara itu walaupun nilai demokrasi serba sedikit boleh dikaitkan.
"Malah AS sudah menjadi negara bebas sejak tahun 1777 sedangkan kita 1957," katanya kepada Utusan Malaysia di Putrajaya hari ini.
Beliau mengulas kolum Bisik-Bisik Awang Selamat Utusan Malaysia analisis tertentu mengaitkan pemilihan Obama yang juga warna kulit hitam pertama sebagai presiden AS dengan politik Malaysia.
Menurut kolum itu, sudah kedengaran suara pemimpin bukan Melayu yang mahukan bukan Melayu diberi peluang menjadi Perdana Menteri.
Semalam, Presiden MCA, datuk Ong Tee Keat berkata, sudak sampai masanya bagi rakyat malaysia membebaskan diri merea dari belenggu isu perkauman. Dengan mengambil Obama sebagai contoh , Tee Keat berkata:"Sedihnya do Malaysia, kita masih berbalah dalam soal remeh berhubung pelantikan seorang wanita Cina sebagai Pemangku Pengurus Besar Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri Selangor(PKNS)."
Tindakan kerajaan negeri Selangor yang diterahui Pakatan rakyat melantik Low Siew Moi sebagai Pemangku Pengurus Besar PKNS dipersoalkan banyak pihak kerana dikatakan tidak memenuhi aspirasi penubuhan PKNS bagi membantu meningkatkan soal sosial dan ekonomi bumiputra.
Govt to appeal Raja Petra's release
Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said the government respected the court's decision but would nevertheless mount an appeal.
Asked if the government would be more carefulbefore making future ISA arrests, Abdullah said:
"The Home Ministry is always careful. The power of ISA detention is not to be used carelessly.
"Tere is a reason for all the arrests made under the ISA."
Raja Petra, 58 who was detained under the ISA on Sept. 12, was released on Thursday by the Shah Alam High Court.
Judge Datuk Syed Ahmad Helmy Syed Ahnad accepted the habeas corpus application filed by the blogger. He ruled that the grounds given by Home Minister datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar for Raja Pettra's detention did not fall within the scope of Section 8(1) of the ISA.
raja Petra was arrested as he was deemed a security threat.
Penang Gerakan has urged the government not to filed an appeal.
State Gerakan chairman Datuk doktor Teng Hock Nan said rhe party was happy with the court's decision, which had shown the jidicial system was tansparent.
"We should respect the High Court's decision that Raja Petra is not a direct threat to the nation."
Dr. Teng said Gerakan also wanted the government toreview the ISA to review the ISA and replace it with an anti-terrorism act.
Shorsighted to turn BN multiracial
He said Gerakan and the People's Progressive Party were not right to make the proposal in view of the composition of Malaysian society.
"Our country is race-based with Malays, Chinese and Indians living in their own areas. How can we reach these people if we are not seen as one of them or don't know their mother tongue?" asked the Tambun MO after presenting uniforms to 285 Federal Village Security and Development Committe members for Manjoi and Ulu Kinta in Ipoh. Husni said, the presidents of every BN race-based party had more power to effect change by reaching out to their own communities."If a person is just a committee member in a single race-based party, he would not be able to raise the interests for a community which he may or may not belong to, said Husni, who is seeking re-election to the supreme council.
The Tambun Umno chief pointed out that Parti Keadilan Rakyat, DAP and Pas were dominated by an ethnic group.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Institusi raja tidak semestinya perkenan nasihat ahli politik
Baginda bertitah, setiap pandangan dan teguran raja membabitkan urus tadbir negara yang menyentuh soal integriti, perundangan, kehakiman,penyelewengan, penyalahgunaan kuasa, rasuah dan agihan kemakmuran adalah bagi menghasilkan kerajaan yang stabil serta mendapat kepercayaan rakyat.
"Demi memastikan integriti raja tidak dipersoalkan, raja harus bijaksana, menguasai pengetahuan dan memahami persekitaran yang berlaku bagi membolehkan keputusan berintegriti yang tepat serta adil dilaksanakan. Integriti akan pupus bukan disebabkan raja atau pemimpin atasan tetapi disebabkan mereka yang bertanggunjawab memagari pemimpin yang tidak memiliki kekuatan gagal memperbetulkan yang salah." titahnya ketika berucap pada Majlis Makan Malam Eksekutif sempena Sambutan Hari Integriti dan Konvensyen Integriti Nasional di Kuching, semalam. Majlis turut dihadiri Ketua Menteri sarak, Tan Sri Abdul taib mahmud; Timbalan Ketua Menteri, tan Sri Alfred Jabu Numpang dan Ketua Hakim Negara, tan Sri zaki Azmi. raja Nazrin bertitah, integriti bukan teori atau konsep baru tetapi ia adalah prasyarat dalam membentuk tadbir urus bersih, cekap dan amanah dalam mendukung budaya pentadbiran nagi membina tamadun agung. Titahnya, keruntuhan empayar, kemusnahan tahtah, kehancuran negar dan kehancuran pemimpin sering disebabkan amalan serta perbuatan mengenepikan integriti.
"Krisis melanda kerajaan, institusi kewangan dan organisasi perniagaan berpunca daripada kegagalan memberi perhatian serta kegagalan mengamalkan budaya berlandaskan integriti.
Titahnya, integriti menjadi lebih relecan apabila raja memeluk Islam dan diberi pengiktirafan sebagai ketua agama.
Senarai Harga Barang terpilih di laman Web
Menteri Perdagangan dalam negeri dan Hal Ehwal Pengguna, Datuk Shahrir Samad, berkata penyenaraian harga barang terpilih itu dilakukan di laman web kementeriannya( dan dikemaskini setiap minggu.
Katanya, Majlis Harga Barang Negara(MHBN) akan melaksanakan pemantauan harga barang di semua pasar raya dengan hasil kajiannya akan dipamerkan di laman web kementerian sebagai panduan orang ramai. Barang dijual di semua pasar raya menerusi Kempen Penurunan Harga Barang ini cukup muruh dan tidak membebankan rakyat, walaupun ada perbandingan harga dibuat.
Sekatan Politik Wang
Dua mesyuarat antara Lembaga Disiplin dan BPR di sini turut bersetuju untuk mengambil beberapa langkah khusus dalam usaha membendung gejala politik wang daripada berleluasa.
Pengerusi Lembaga Disiplin Umno, tan Sri Tengku Ahmad Rithaudden Tengku Ismail, Mengsahkan pihaknya sudah dua kali bermesyuarat dengan BPR sejak 3 hari lalu berhubung isu rasuah, politik wang dan salah guna kuasa menjelang pemilihan parti itu.
salam mesyuarat itu,mereka berbincang secara khusus mengenai baagaiman gejala politik wang dan Lembaga Disiplin serta BPR bersetuju untuk terus bekerjasama dalam perkara itu.
Dalam mesyuarat itu, BPR diwakili Timbalan Ketua Pengarah ,Datuk Abu Kassim Mohamed dan Pengarah Siasatan, Datuk Shukri Abdull.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Reaksi Pemimpin Dunia Terhadap Kejayaan Barack Obama
- "Tuan Presiden yang baru dipilih, tahniah," - George W Bush, Presiden A. Syarikat
- "Tahniah, kejayaan yang pintar" - Nicolas Sarkozk, Presiden Perancis
- "Presiden Mahmuh Abbas berharap Obama menyegerakan usaha mencapai keamanan" Nabil Abu Rudeina-Jurucakap Presiden palestin
- "Harap Obama mempromosi keamanan dan kestabilan" Yousuf raza Gilani-Perdana Menteri Pakistan
- "Saya harap dapat menjalin kerjasama dengan Obama" Taro Aso- Perdana Menteri Jepun
- "Era Bersejarah" -Hu Jintao Presiden China
Gerakan Sokong Papan Tanda Pelbagai Bahasa
Pengerusi Gerakan Pulau Pinang, datuk Dr. Teng Hock nan, berkata cadangan itu sesuai dengan penduduk daripada pelbagai kaum di negeri tersebut.
"Papan tanda itu dapat memperkenalkan budaya negara ini kepada pelancong sekaligus meningkatkan ekonomi terutama industri perhotelan," katanya dalam kenyataan di George Town semalam.
Teng berkata, isu papan tanda pelbagai bahasa sudah banyak kali dibangkitkan sejak Pulau Pinang di bawah pentadbiran kerajaan Barisan Nasional.
Perak bars KL-appointed village chairman from district meetings
The JKKP is not an entity recognised by the state government.
The JKKP was formed by the Rural and Regional Development Ministry in states ruled by Pakatan rakyat after the March 8 general election. Each JKKP chairman receives a monthly allowance of RM400.
"The only legal entity the stste government recognised is the village development and security committee, or JKKK, whose chairmenwere chosen by the people," Mohammad Nizar told reporters yesterday after presenting ahe annual dividend of RM650 to 51 participants of a"Ladang Rakyat." The project is an oil palm estate managed by the state Agriculture Development Corporation in Batu Kurau.
The Menteri Besar said the ban was effective Aug 1 when the state-sanctioned JKKK chairmen officially assumed office.
To a question, Mohammad Nizar said the ban was imposed because the state government felt that the formation of the JKKP would cause disunity.
"The people are bound to be divided as most of the JKKP chairmen comprised former JKKK chairmen(appointed by the previous Barisan Nasional-led state government),"he said.
Civil servants can change cars faster
The amount of government loans for several categories of civil servants has been raised by RM10,000 each.
This was part of the broad measures announced by Deputy Prim Minister yesterday to help Malaysians cope with the sluggish economy.
Civil servants in the top Management Group,or JUSA grade, can now apply for a car loan of up to RM70,000 from RM60,000 previously.
Staff in grades 41 to 54 are entitled to a maximum amount of RM65,000 up from RM55,000 previously.
Support staff, meanwhile, can now apply for a loan of up to RM55,000 from the previous RM45,000.
Proton Edar Dealers' Association president Wan Ahmad Sepwan said the incentive was timely under the current situation.
New US Government must respect smaller nations
Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim said this in a press statement yesterday to congratulate Obama on his historic victory, adding the victory is not only meaningful for the Americans but for the human race as a whole."Obama's victory also brings hope for change in the world. We hope he becomes the new torch for the pursuit of democracy."
Rais said Obama's victory showed that Americans can select their leader without taking into consideration the colour of one's skin or religion. There is high hope that Obama can bring about many positive changes in international relations, especiallyto the bilateral relationship between Malaysia and US.
Malaysia will continue to work on fostering bilateral ties with the new administration and we hope Obama will give his due attention to developing countries in the context of humanity, development and bilateral ties.
Opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim said in a statement that Obama 's call for unity and his promise to forge a new direction in the relationship between US and the rest of the world is welcomed by Malaysians."The support that President-elect Obama draws from across racial, religious and generational lines parallels the sentiments felt by Malaysians from all walks of life who earlier this year cast votes in vehement opposition to the failed policies of an incumbent regime.
Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng said:" Obama's win is wonderful news as it showed that the president-elect was judged on his character and not the colour of his skin."
Stop excessive politiking: Sultan Azlan
He said the interest of the people who elected the government should be given priority, and the country's peace and harmony should not be sacrificed in the name of power struggle among certain leaders and groups.
"if there are mistakes and derailment in the implementation of certain policies, what needs rectification is the implimentation mechanism. The core policies, which form the fountation of this independent country, should not be touched, tested or challenged at all. It is is feared that such actions, if not stopped, will hurt the feelings and emotions of the Malays," he said at the handing over of a memorandum by Gabungan Melayu Perak(GMP) at the Istana Iskandariah yesterday. Also present were the raja Muda of Perak, Raja Dr. Nazrin Shah and Raja di-Hilir Perak Raja Jaafar Raja Muda Musa.
Sultan Azlan said any amendment to the constitution pertaining to Malay Rulers and their jurisdiction over Islam, the national language, the position of the Malays, and bumiputra in Sabah and Sarawak should be consented to first by the Rulers.
He said the Malay Rulers understood that the Federal Constitution also recognised and safeguarged the interests of the various races, religions, languages and cultures.
About 2000 representatives of Malays non-governmental organisations, silat and arts associations throughout the state , headed by GMP chairman Datuk Seri Mohd Hilmi Ismail, participated in a peaceful march from the Ubudiah Mosque to the palace to hand over the memorandum.
Mohd Hilmi said the memorandum ,among other things, expressed gratitude for the special statement issued by the Malay Rulers last month which touched on issues related to the privileges of the Malays and the interests of other communities.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
RM7 billion to stimulate the economy
He said the RM7 billion saved will be channelled into 15 projects.
This is how the money will be spent:
- RM1.2 billion to build 25,000 units of low and medium cost houses;
- RM500 million to upgrade, repair and maintain police stations, living quaters, army camps and quarters;
- RM600 million on minor projects under the public and basic infrastructure project maintenance programmee. These include maintaining village roads, building community halls and small bridges. This would help small-time contractors address the problem of shortage of construction projects;
- RM500 million to repair and maintain public facilities such as road, schools and hospitals ;
- RM500 millionto build and upgrade roads in rural areas, villages and agriculture roads, including in Sabah and Sarawak;
- RM200 million to government-aided religious schools, mission schools, Chinese and Tamil schools(shared equal);
- RM300 million to start a fund to run skills training programmes, with focus on tourism, health, construction and business process outsourcing sectors;
- RM500 million to bolster the public transport system(LRT,Komuter and city bus systems)
- RM1.5 bilion to set up an Investment Fund to attract more private sector investment in strategic sectotrs, like solar panels, aerospace industry, and aeroplane components;
- RM400 million to move the High Speed Broadband Project;
- RM200 million to fund programmes by private training institutions, with participation of all races;
- RM100 million for youth programmes at various levels and involving all races;
- RM200 million to revive abandoned housing projects in stragic areas;
- RM100 million to increase number of business premises in selected small towns;
- RM200 million on early educational programmes for children aged one to six years. A project management unit will be set up to monitor the implementation of these projects, he said.
Other measures and iniatives announced by Najid were:
- Employees can reduce EPF contributions by 3 % on a voluntary basis for up to two years from 1 Jan. This measure can place RM4.8 billion in the hand of consumers if all EPF contributors opt for it;
- Abolishing the 5 % import duties on seven types of fertilisers. The fertiliser manufacturing industry has also agreed to cut down fertiliser prices by at least 15% immediately;
- Abolishing import duties on cement and long iron and steel products, and the scrapping of Approved Permits for the latter;
- Allowing hypermarkets to close late(weekdays 11 pm; weekends 1 am);
- Beginning February, biodiesel will be used as huel, starting with government vehicles, followed by the industrial and transport sectors. It is estimated that 500,000 tonnes of palm oil a year is nected when it is fully implemented in early 2010, he said.
- Plan to generate extra revenue and kickstart local economic activities by making full use of government land in strategic locations like the Lembaga Getah malayia land at Sungai Buluh and government land in jalan Cochrance and in Jalan Ampang Hilir, Kuala Lumpur.
- To widen the Social Security Net to improve spending power of the poor and low income earners, the income eligibility for monthly welfare aid raised from RM400 to RM720 in Peninsula, RM830 in Sarawak and RM960 in sabah. This will widen to cover 110,000 people from 55,000 now.
- Higher car loan ceiling for government servants in several categories, and the permission for government servants to buy houses on a secondary market where strata titles not given yet;
- All civil servants can opt tp extend housing mortgate repayment period to 30 years instead of 25. Earlier, the government only allowed new borrowers to do so.
Motion on multilinqual roadsigns rejected
Speaker Tan Sri pandikar Amin Mulia rejected the motion , sumitted on Friday, on the ground hat it was not urgent.
In his motion, Ibrahim said the move clearly insulted the position of the Malay language as the national language, and insulted the foundation of the Federal Constitution.
"According to Article 152 of the Federal Constitution, the national language must be used for official purposes, as such road names are considered official business based on the National Language Act 1963/1967.
"The use of various languages can also cause much confusion."
Law Portal holds competition on popular topics
The competition features the following"hot" topics:
- Towards an independent judiciary in Malaysia
- Common Bar Exams: The creation of anew problem or asolution for an old one?
- Welcome the impact of Tun Mahathir's blog;
- Anti -party Hopping Law-agree or disagree?
Participants can choose any one of the above topics and submit their features in not more than 1000 words.
The grand prize is RM500, while prizes for first and second runners up are RM200 and RM100 respectively. Ten consolation prize winners will also receive an eLawyer merchandise.
The event is sponsored by the Law Society, University Malaya; UK Malaysian Law Student Union; law Student Union; International Islamic University Malaysia; Law & Commerce Society; Management & Science University and Law Society; and Univerti Kebangsaan Malaysia.
The panel of jidges comprises the following:
- Dr.Azmi Sharom, an associate professor at the Faculty of Law, Universiti Malaya, who is known for his bold and critical view on various issues regarding the democracy and constitutional law in Malaysia.
- Lee Shih-a practising lawyer and a member of the KL Bar Committe.
- Fahri Azzat- a practising lawyer who is member of the IT Committee under KL Bar committee. Fahri is a blogger and is also the founder of an online email forum -The Rostrum" for legal professionals to discuss issues concerning the legal industry
- Entries should be submitted via email to by noon on or before Nov 30. Late entries will be disqualified.
Crisis in our schools
Some of the transgressions that have happened included:
- A Form 5 girl stabbed several times by another student;
- A Form 3 student was raped by a bogus policeman in a rubber estate;
- During a psysical education lession,a Form 5 student punched the teacher; and
- A 41-year-old teacher molested 10 boys, and many of his colleagues knew of the paedophile acts of this teacher.
We were told that in some schools in KL and Petaling Jaya, ther are 22 classes which have no teachers. And nobody seems to care. We have tabled various cabinet committe reports on ways to improve the country's education syatem, but what has happened to these reports?
prof Khoo Kay Kim was recently quoted as saying that our education system has not nurtured educated students. We have to subscribe to his views. Many teachers and headmasters today are responsible for the pathetic state of affairs in school. Teaching these days is no longer a dedicated profession but just a means to learn a living.
Our MPs should call for a Royal Commission of Inquiry abd conduct an in-depth study and make recommendations to surmount this crisis besseting our education system.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Govt.cleared of abuse of power in Eurocopter deal
It will howevwer, continue to monitor the deal, even though the purchase of the 12 helicopters had been deffered by the government.
PAC chairman Datuk Seri Azmi Khalid said the committe did not find any prosedural abuse in the financial and technical aspects of the tender.
They were satisfied that the deal was done in accordance with procedures. The tender process was done properly and according to international standards.In their evaluation, they find that there was no abuse of power.
Azmi said members of the committe has suggested that the deal be monitored in the future as it was a high-profile matter.
He did not not discount the possibility of looking into the deal until the helicopters were handed over to the government, if the deal went through.
He said the only aspect of the deal that the committe was unhappy with was that there was no physical evaluation before the purchase.
As a result, it ecommended that an independent review panel be set up to look into all large government procurrements in the future. This would promote transparency and avoid wasting publis funds, he added.
Another matter that the committe failed to achieve was determining the correct price of the helicopters. Azmi said the quantum of each bid was fixed, with the committee only evaluating what was stated in the bids.
" We are not in a position to say whether the purchase was more expensive(than it should have been) as each country's miitary requirements are different."
He said of the seven bidders, three were shortlisted with bids of RM1.262 billion, RM1.604 billion and RM 2.442 billion respectively.
He said the RM1.604 bid by Eurocopter was selected as it fulfilled the requirements set by the Defence Ministry.
He said the lowest bid was not selected as it did not meet the requirements.
On a statement bu Lim Kit Siang(DAP-Ipoh Timur) that the Nuri helicopters could be used for another 20 years, Azmi said the Nuris had disadvantages compared with the newer Eurocopters.
The Nuris cannot be used for night flights besides being unable to remain airborne on a autopilot mode during rescure operations. These shortages can be overcome by using newer helicopters. It will cost more for the Nuris to be upgraded.
Lim said he had received an email from a former Nuri pilot who stated the Nuris could b used for another 20 years.