Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Crisis in our schools

Shocking and appalling things are happening in our education system and teaching profession these days. Gone are the days when teaching was a noble and revered profession. Today, it seems that the profession is blended with the doers and riffraff. What a sad state of affairs. And gangsterism seems to have infiltrated into schools.
Some of the transgressions that have happened included:
  • A Form 5 girl stabbed several times by another student;
  • A Form 3 student was raped by a bogus policeman in a rubber estate;
  • During a psysical education lession,a Form 5 student punched the teacher; and
  • A 41-year-old teacher molested 10 boys, and many of his colleagues knew of the paedophile acts of this teacher.

We were told that in some schools in KL and Petaling Jaya, ther are 22 classes which have no teachers. And nobody seems to care. We have tabled various cabinet committe reports on ways to improve the country's education syatem, but what has happened to these reports?

prof Khoo Kay Kim was recently quoted as saying that our education system has not nurtured educated students. We have to subscribe to his views. Many teachers and headmasters today are responsible for the pathetic state of affairs in school. Teaching these days is no longer a dedicated profession but just a means to learn a living.

Our MPs should call for a Royal Commission of Inquiry abd conduct an in-depth study and make recommendations to surmount this crisis besseting our education system.

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